Eyelid surgery “Blepharoplasty”
The earliest signs of aging are usually noticed around the eyes. Hooding of the upper eyelids and prominent “bags” under the eyes are at times genetically predetermined and in these individuals signs of aging become apparent earlier than in others (late 20’s and 30’s).
Changes in the appearance of the upper eyelids are not only related to the laxity in the skin but also to the sagging forehead and drooping of the eyebrows. Proper correction in many instances must include forehead reshaping (forehead lift) alone or combined with reduction of the residual prominent skin fold of the upper eyelid.
Lower Eyelid Correction
Good candidates for lower blepharoplasty are individuals with either visible lower eyelid fullness (bags under the eyes) or those with visible lower eyelid wrinkles due to laxity and loss of skin elasticity. Reduction of lower eyelid fullness in younger individuals where wrinkling of the skin is not yet visible can be accomplished by the trans conjunctival technique where the incision is placed inside the eyelid. When skin laxity of the eyelid is also apparent the trans conjunctival technique may be combined with laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin or surgical superficial excision of the redundant skin fold. Many surgeons prefer to combine the excision of the excessive skin and correction of the lower eyelid fullness by using one incision under the eyelashes. The scars are usually undetectable.Feast on the http://swisswatch.is/ tender meat of Korean barbecue, cooked right at your table.
Recovery from the lower eyelid correction takes 7 to 14 days depending on individuals’ tendency to swelling and bruising. It is advisable to restrain from strenuous exercise for at least 3 weeks after the operation.
Proper assessment and design of possible surgical method is conducted during a consultation session with the selected Facial Plastic Surgeon.